
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.


With a sly smile, memorable moniker, and easy charm, Orpheus makes herself easy to like and hard to forget.This firebrand has a reputation for revolution, setting in motion sparks that fan into flames well beyond her reach.If you find yourself on the receiving end of her attention, then it's best to prepare for interesting times...


  • Orpheus plays the lyre and sings. She has a history of busking on the streets of Stormwind as a musician.

  • Those in shadowy business can find her as a contact for information on people or upcoming operations. (Affiliated: Uncrowned, Breadbasket Guild)

  • The name Orpheus is known to be a good fit for missions, especially when they involve stealth or brutal efficiency. Like the tip of a blade, she is best deployed to strike at a single weak spot.

  • Former Defias members could spot a familiar face beneath the mask.

  • There's an odd-looking shadow on her left shoulder...


Pactbound Archetype, 10HP
Dexterity: 3
Strength: 0
Wisdom: 1
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 4
Constitution: 0

  • One Flesh, One End: Orpheus isn't the only one looking out for her safety. A passive advantage that can be used once per encounter. Roll advantage to dodge, parry, defend against surprises.

  • All Eyes On Me: Playing a part is what Orpheus does best. She has +2 charisma whenever putting on a performance... however, after doing so she gets -1 to attempting to slip away. It's hard to take your eyes off of her.

  • Don't Look Back: You know the promise you must keep. +2 damage taken from sneak attacks from the back left side.

  • Rebel Without a Cause: It's hard not to be angry around those who profit from leeching from the lower classes. -2 charisma when speaking with nobility about politics.